Unable to load Revit File

I’m facing an issue with the for Revit, when trying to import data into Power BI. I am uploading a Revit architectural model along with a structural file linked to it. However, upon attempting to view the data in Power BI, I encounter the following error:

“‘Too many Stream URL’, ‘Commit object ID’ values. Not displaying all data. Filter the data or choose another field.”

This is preventing me from displaying the data properly in Power BI.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? Are there any suggestions to fix it,

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I think you might be hitting the 30k PowerBI limit:

Does it work when you filter out only what you need?

Thank you for your response. Could you upload a video demonstrating how to handle large amounts of data when exporting from Revit to Power BI? A visual example would provide better clarity on customizing the data effectively.

Additionally, I attempted to extract quantities based on materials created in Revit but couldn’t find a “List” or “Report” for it. The data seems to be available only at the type level. For instance, if I’ve created a wall type named ‘Int. Wall’ and added a material layer such as ‘Int. Plaster’ on both sides of the wall, I can retrieve the quantity for the wall type (‘Int. Wall’) but not for the specific material layer (‘Int. Plaster’).

While I can see the material names created in Revit and I can Extract the same, their quantities are not available.

Hey @Shantiwit ,

We have a playlist available for working with Revit data in Power BI. I suggest you check out this playlist:


Methods shown in these tutorials can be used to extract any parameter including material quantities. You can take a look at this thread to understand how to access material quantities in Power Bi. TLDR: it’s under materialQuantities key in the objects. Quantities like length, volume and area are available for each material in addition to a lot of the material properties.

Thank you for sharing the playlist! I have attached screenshots to clarify our requirement.

We need to extract the quantities of materials specifically for the Wall category. In a finished wall, we have different layers such as:

  • Brickwork (HSR-150mm Brick)
  • Gypsum Plaster (HSR-Gypsum.Plaster)
  • Internal Paint (HSR-Int paint)
  • External Plaster (HSR-Ext. Plaster)
  • External Paint (HSR-Ext. paint)

We want to extract quantities for each material separately—similar to how we see them in a Revit Multi-Category Schedule (as shown in the attached screenshot).

Could you guide us on how to achieve this in Power BI? Specifically, where we can find these material layers in the dataset and how to structure them correctly?
Thank You

Hey @Shantiwit ,

Assuming you are using next-gen connectors, it’s actually very easy to find. It’s just under properties > Material Quantities.

Inside Power BI, after you receive your data, extract this field using Power Query. Here’s how you can do it:
[data][properties][Material Quantities]

Keep in mind, if objects don’t have Material Quantities, this will result in an error. You can gracefully handle this in Power Query like this:


if Record.HasFields([data][properties], "Material Quantities") then [data][properties][Material Quantities] else null

Here’s the Power BI file if you want to check the source file:

15646 - Extracting Material Quantities.pbix (23.8 KB)

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Thank You for the response will try this.

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