Speckle Dynamo Problem - Can't find Dynamo Converter?


Using Speckle in Dynamo for the first time, I have encountered a strange issue using the “Send” Node.
When trying to click the Speckle icon to send anything, I get a message telling me “Cannot find the Dynamo converter. Has it been copied to the Kits folder?”
Does anybody know how can I fix this?
(Running on Revit 22, Dynamo 2.10, DynamoConnector 2.15.1)

Thanks a lot!

Hey @Alon_Aviram welcome to the community!

Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: if you’d like.

Please make sure all the installed connectors are using version 2.15 or above. If that’s the case, close anything that might be using Speckle and re-install the Dynamo connector.

Let me know how it goes!

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