Simple example of a Javascript app that sends geometry to Speckle via REST

We work on a browser-based CAD workflow. All our data is stored as JSON: Assemblies, Parts, Meshes, Geometries, Materials.

I would like to send the current session, or selected/specific geometry to Speckle via REST. But i struggle with the documentation a bit. I do not understand how i would begin, and how i would have to transform the data.

The REST SDK docs REST API | Speckle Docs only mention a view requests, URL: ${CANONICAL_URL}/api/diff/:streamId. I tried to study some examples, there is a Vue app (we use React) but it seems to do so much more i am truly lost.

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Hey, @0ca0a, welcome to the forum!
Buerli looks super cool, I’m looking forward to seeing what you cook up integrating the two :starstruck_spockle:

Speckle was originally designed to get geometry and data from desktop software, so most of our tooling for sending is in C# and Pyhton.

Nevertheless, I think this recent development by @dimitrie should be helpful:

Let us know if it works or if you have follow-up questions! Others from the team might expand and provide more resources as well :wink:

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