Select Commit or Branch


Is it possible in the Power BI connector to select a specific commit or a different branch to receive data from? I would like to use this to compare versions of a model as well as see impacts to the model over time. This would be helpful in tracking cost changes to a project, comparing area and department growth/reduction over time, etc.


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Hey @MichaelRensing ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

To get a specific version (commit) or a different model (branch) in Power BI, you need to copy the URL of that version (commit) or model (branch) and paste it into the Power BI connector. This way, you can easily load that specific version into Power BI.

Similarly, if you want to receive a model (branch), you can use its URL. But keep in mind that you’ll get the latest version pushed to that model (branch).

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