Revit to Power Bi Cannot convert null value to text

Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me with this issue. When trying to introduce the stream url into Power BI, I get an error that says “Cannot convert null value to text”. I ave tried with different urls, and now I get to the conclussion that there might be an error with my revit model, but I do not know what I can change to correctly link the model to Power BI without getting any errors.

The information my model contains are, rooms, areas and a schedules.

If anyone has had the same issue as me, and has been able to solve it, I would really appreciate your guidance.

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Hey @Rebeca_Alvarez_Gutie ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

Can you please share the Speckle Model URL with us? I’d like to see if I can reproduce the issue on my end?

Hello! Yeah, for sure.

Here’s the link: Speckle

Thank you so much!

I have submitted an access request. Please approve it.

By the way, to utilize the 3D Visual in Power BI, your Speckle Model must be set as Link Shareable. It will not function otherwise.

Thank you! I have already accepted your request and made the 3D Visual Shareable.

Hey @Rebeca_Alvarez_Gutie ,

I was able to receive your data. Can you please make sure you follow the steps described in the below tutorial?

Hey @Rebeca_Alvarez_Gutie ,

I have managed to reproduce the issue. We will investigate it further and i’ll update you when we have the fix.

Thank you so much for your help. I’ll be looking forward for any updates!

Hi, I have the same problem with any file I use.

Thanks for your help.

Hey @Rebeca_Alvarez_Gutie @ctlz ,

We have released a hotfix. Can you download it and confirm?

Hello, I can confirm the fix lets me correctly link my model to Power BI. Thank you for your response!

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