Revit Import to ETABS - Columns not rotated correctly

I have imported a Revit analytical model into ETABS, and the columns have not come in rotated correctly. Interestingly, when I view the analytical model in Speckle viewer, the columns are in the correct orientation.

Hey @Tom.Sargent!

Are you able to send me a link to the speckle model so that I can have a look at the properties of the analytical members?

When sending the model from Revit, are you sending the analytical elements only? Or everything (i.e. physical and analytical)?

Hey @bjoern!

We have only been sending the analytical members and not the physical from Revit.

Hmm I see the issue. The orientationAngle for the columns are all zero.

The rendered meshes may look correct, however, this is because of their association to the physcial element in Revit. The receive in Etabs is based on the orientationAngle data.

We are aware of the discrepancy and already have a fix for it here - if this is something you’d really like for your project (complicated rotations etc.), we can look to get that update to you! Or is it simple enough to manually rotate the local axes in Etabs? :slight_smile:

Any other feedback from your exploring in the Structural Speckleverse? What does your ideal / dream workflow look like? :cool_spockle:

Thanks for looking into this Björn.

We have had a look in our Revit model and we were able to orientate the analytical elements before pushing to Speckle. We are still very much trialing the workflow, and I think it is just something for us to note that we would need to do in Revit before sending to ETABS.

I think for this project all the rotations are orthogonal so it is not too bad of a fix in ETABS anyway, but there is potential in more complicated frames that automatic rotation assignment would be very helpful.

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Hey @Tom.Sargent, you can update your ETABS and Revit Connector to the latest version (2.21.4) released today. With that, the orientationAngles should be pulling through :slight_smile: . Give it a go and let me know!


Hi @bjoern, thanks for pushing an update!

We have updated our connectors and the rotations are coming in correctly in ETABS! The only thing we noted was that the ‘orientationangle’ is converted from degrees to radians when pushing from revit → Speckle. Would it be possible for a radians unit tag to be given in Speckle to avoid confusion?

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Do you think that reporting in degrees would be preferable instead? To the majority audience, are radians understood as well?

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I think degrees would be preferable as we are inputting the rotation in degrees in Revit - it’s only to avoid confusion.


Hey @Tom.Sargent,

thanks for the feedback! In the Next-Gen ETABS Connector, these associated units are appended to avoid any confusion.

With your recent updates using Manager, the v3 ETABS connector would have been automatically included. Feel free to give it a spin and let us know what you think!

Side-note; for Revit-ETABS workflows stick to the v2 Connector for now. Refer here for further clarity regarding supported workflows with the Next-Gen connectors: here.

But back to your example, since Speckle is just your transport medium from Revit to ETABS and no manipulation of the orientationAngle is possible in the viewer, the integrity of the input angles will be preserved from sourceApplication to sourceApplication.