Revit 2020 > 2019 empty file+ warning "Value cannot be null"

I need help with receiving data to Revit 2019. My aim is to “downgrade” .rvt file from version 2020 to 2019. The 2020 file looks fine in speckle but when i try to receive it back in 2019 the file is still empty and a warning shows up:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value
at System.Boolean.Parse(String value)
at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.ConvertToNative(Base object)
at Speckle.ConnectorRevit.UI.ConnectorBindingsRevit.ConvertReceivedObjects(List`1 objects, ISpeckleConverter converter, StreamState state) in C:\Users\circleci\project\ConnectorRevit\ConnectorRevit\UI\ConnectorBindingsRevit.Receive.cs:line 187

The geometry is some MEP pipes.

Thanks for any help!

Hi @o.gabriel welcome to the forum!

If you could please share the offending geometry with us we’ll investigate, thanks :slight_smile:

Here’s my stream:

I hope that's enough - if not - should I upload the .rvt file?

Hey @o.gabriel ,

It turns out it was a bug in our version for 2019!

We’re indeed facing continuous issues with Revit 2019 because of how legacy it is, and it will be discontinued from the next release.

Nevertheless, @connor has fixed this bug and made a special release, to install it please use this installer so that it will not conflict with the Manager one: