QGIS: SSLError, A failure in the SSL library occured

Hi Kateryna,
Thank you

I stii have the same problem
I don’t know why the urllib3 wont upgrade
Is there any tutorial ?

Would you mind sharing any screenshots of your QGIS Python console after typing the commands I shared? Then we can understand exactly what is going wrong :pray:


import requests, urllib3; print(requests.__version__); print(urllib3.__version__)


def upgradeDependencies():
    import subprocess
    from speckle.utils.utils import get_qgis_python_path as path
    result = subprocess.run([path(), "-m", "pip", "install", "requests==2.31.0"],capture_output=True,timeout=1000,)
    result = subprocess.run([path(), "-m", "pip", "install", "urllib3==1.26.16"],capture_output=True,timeout=1000,)
    result = subprocess.run([path(), "-m", "pip", "install", "requests_toolbelt==0.10.1"],capture_output=True,timeout=1000,)




Thank you!
I am seeing 2 things that are causing the problem:

  1. The first command has a typo: there should be a comma between “requests” and “urllib3” (my bad)
  2. After command 2 press Enter (maybe even couple times), so the command will exit the function. And only then place the 3rd command

Thanks Kateryna,

I think that my urllib3 is not upgraded

How can I upgrade those two I still have the 1.25?

Please click Enter before “upgradeDependencies()” command. You will see “>>>” symbol in the beginning of the line, which means you have actually placed a line break (see the screenshot above). Only then enter “upgradeDependencies()”.

You will see 0 0 0 as response. Then restart QGIS🙃

P.S. the installed versions will not necessarily be in the folder you showed, depending on your user permissions.

Thanks Kateryna,
I see the 0 0 0 as response and I have restarted QGIS still having the same issue

Moving this to a separate topic, as the cause of the issue is different than in the previous topic with “Transport is already connected” error. Will investigate further :ok_hand:

Meanwhile, could you pls let me know your OS, QGIS version and whether you have updated any Python libraries on your own? Also, which QGIS installer have you used? From a very quick search I found that in some older versions it was the installer that could be a reason for SSLError (e.g. here)

Thanks Kateryna,
I’m using this version

But in the folder site-packages I have deleted the two folder that you mention and I don’t know how to upgrade to the new verrsion urllib3.

Thanks for the update! May I ask again, which installer did you use for QGIS? (you can share a link where you downloaded the QGIS installer)

P.S. Your libraries are already upgraded as I can see from one of your screenshots, they might be just stored in a different folder, you don’t need to worry about them. If I were you, I would reinstall QGIS, because it is not recommended to delete anything from site-packages manually.

Yes I have reinstalled QGIS, dowload from here Télécharger QGIS.

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I had this problem with SSL certificates too.
However, in my case I didn’t actually get any error message, which made it a bit more complicated to figure out what actually was the issue. In the end I figured out that the SSL certificates were the problem because of running an adaptation of the script provided by Kateryna in this post

Python script with error traceback I adapted Kateryna's script to also print the traceback of an error in case it occured:
import traceback
import specklepy
from specklepy.api.client import SpeckleClient
from specklepy.api.credentials import get_local_accounts

query = ""
speckle_accounts = get_local_accounts()
for i, acc in enumerate(speckle_accounts):
        speckle_client = SpeckleClient(acc.serverInfo.url, acc.serverInfo.url.startswith("https"))
        streams = speckle_client.stream.search(query)
        for stream in streams:
    except Exception:


In order to solve the SSL errors I

  1. Opened the OSGeo4W Shell
  2. Ran pip install --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org pip_system_certs

This installs pip_system_certs, which pip, and I guess Python too, to use the system’s SSL certificates instead of its own bundled ones. This resolved my SSL certificate issues with the QGIS connector.


Thanks JoostGevaert it works :+1:

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I do not know if this bug is already solved, but when I try to connect a stream in QGIS I have the same error. The connector is v2.17.2 and QGIS is Lima. I do not have strange characters in the stream name or the QGIS file name. No spaces either.
Please, can you help me?
Here it is a screenshot with the error:

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Hi @camaleon ! Moved your message to a more relevant topic, you can find a solution provided by @JoostGevaert above :raised_hands:

It worked!!! thanksss