PowerBI 3D Visual Not Highlighting elements

Currently using: PowerBI Desktop

The speckle 3d visual does permit me to select model content and it filters other visuals/table data, but if I select the same content from the table it does not highlight the elements in the model.
Its worth noting I have to enable a slicer that captures all elements (like a workset) in order for the model selection to work.

Is there potentially some setting/setup I am missing?

The primary use in this case is to use the 3d visual to define pour forecasting and also log past pour dates. Basically selecting elements and writing their IDs to .csv. Those .csv are then re-read in organized per date and work as selection sets for model elements.

Hey @Ding_Gus_Con.

Sorry for the late reply!

Have you created a Relationship between the data? If yes make sure is both directions.

Look my example below:

Otherwise, I will need a bit more information to understand how you have created and extracted the data.



Thanks for this! Helped me a lot to make my model in the 3D viewer clickable. Now is working fine!


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3 posts were split to a new topic: Bidirectional Selection not working