Order in models in drop-down menu

In the Rhino Speckle model receiver/sender, can the “Models” list be sorted by sub-model (name1/name2/name3) and in an order that’s more easy to navigate
We have over a dozen models now, and they’re not sorted which makes it hard to pick the right one.
Maybe we can have them grouped by model names (i.e. by name1, then by name2, then by name3:

  • name1/test1
  • name1/test2
  • name2/test2

Or by latest modified?

Hey @katherine.c ,

To understand your suggestion, are you proposing that the models should be ordered by their names rather than the order they were created?

I think both the nesting/grouping and other sorting options are what @katherine.c is after - which makes total sense!
The good news is that we’re working on a complete redesign for the UI inside Rhino, Revit, and other connectors, and we’ll definitely keep this in mind: