Data Null in Power BI

Hello everyone. Volumes and areas appear in my Revit model, but these values appear as null and 0 in Power BI. How can I fix this? My goal here is to see the volumes of the object using the tooltip when I click on it with the 3D viewer. Can you please help me step by step? Thank you.

Selam Eray,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

Could you please share the Speckle Model link with us so we can reproduce the issue? If you don’t feel comfortable sharing it here, you can send us a direct message.

Thanks for sharing the Speckle model! Are you sure Area and Volume parameters exist in those objects? “null” is typically indicates that the object lacks that specific parameter.

Yes, I am sure. Apart from these, many columns also appear as null. However, right now I only need area and volume.

I just selected a wall in Revit and checked its properties and I couldn’t find the Area and Volume parameters in the first level.

We have recently published a series of tutorials on working with Revit data in Power BI. I highly recommend checking them out as they will provide you with more insights on how to navigate the data.

I reviewed the videos you sent. I tried with a new model but I still have the same problem. Volume and area appear in the parameters section in Revit, but they do not appear in Power Bi and Speckle. I will share the link of the new model with you.

Hi @erayalkan ,

I wanted to let you know that I received the Speckle model you shared and I have shared the pbi file with you in PM. There are a few things to keep in mind when working with this data.

Firstly, all the parameters from Revit are stored under the “parameters” key. In order to properly work with this data in Power BI, you will need to extract this key from the received data. Then, you can use the Speckle.Revit.Parameters.ToNameValueRecord() function to convert parameter records into key-value pairs.

It’s important to note that Revit parameters are complex objects that contain a lot of information (such as whether the parameter is shared, whether it is an instance parameter, and what unit of measurement it uses). To simplify the data, I used the above function to extract only the user-facing parameter name and its value.

Once I had extracted the necessary data, I was able to identify the Area parameter for each element. However, not every element coming from Revit has this parameter set, which is to be expected. With a bit of cleanup, the model will be ready for the dashboard.

Again, I recommend watching the tutorials we shared and try to understand the structure of the Revit data in Power BI.

Thank you very much for your quick feedback.