Connectors - 2.19 Release is here!

Connectors - 2.19 Release is here!

Hello @Community ,

We’re excited to bring you the 2.19 release for our connectors! In this release we mostly focused on catching up with the latest software releases while addressing some critical fixes. Take a look:

What’s New

  • :sparkles: Power BI connector can now be installed from the Manager
  • :new: Initial support for Rhino 8 on Windows
  • :new: Added support for Revit 2025
  • :new: Added support for AutoCAD 2025
  • :new: Added support for Civil3D 2025
  • :new: Added support for Navisworks 2025
  • :new: Added support for SketchUp 2024
  • :new: Added support for ETABS 21
  • :new: Added support for Unreal 5.4



  • Speckle connector will now initialize for Revit files that are opened directly (e.g. by double clicking) (thanks Mehdi-Lucas · GitHub)
  • Added support for exporting parameters on groups (thanks @samberger)
  • Element parameters that are not visible will now be excluded
  • Added DLL conflict warning when third-party plugins load conflicting dependencies

Power BI

  • Bumped version of the Viewer used in 3D Visual


  • Received Revit family elements will now include family type name in the object name - requested by @HeinrichBoldtGetinge here


  • Automate SDK: support automate function input secrets in C# SDK
  • Automate SDK: Changed CreateNewVersionInProject to align with SpeckePy (thanks @chris.welch )
  • Core: Fixed bug in Commit Builder handling duplicated objects (thanks @andreas.lennartz )
  • Core: Replace BinaryFormatter with UTF-8 encoded bytes for SHA256 hash function (thanks @chris.welch ) This is a breaking change, see post



  • Fixed issue with Revit wall by face in Revit 2022
  • Fixed stability issue where some objects were being deleted outside of a transaction
  • Fixed issue with type mapping dialog not picking up loaded families


  • Fixed scaling issue reported here (thanks @Gab for reporting)

As always, to use all these new features and improvements, make sure to download the latest versions from the Speckle Manager.

What are you most excited about in this release? Let us know in this thread.


Fantastic news.

Some quick feedback. For me updating the Grasshopper app/component is preventing Grasshopper from opening from within Rhino 8. I uninstalled it and Grasshopper opens fine, then reinstalled the Grasshopper component and again it didn’t work.

It’s my first time seeing the mapper in Rhino, it does say new next to it after all, very exciting development. I haven’t tested it but the more mapping tools we have the better. If you can map to unreal or twinmotion (if possible) in the road map that would be fantastic. Then Rhino can be used to geometry and data processing (it just seems faster for complex anything), push one way to BIM and the direction to visualisation, to me, that would be the ideal scenario given the software we all have access to in the current market.

Keep up the great work!


Hey @scottyvalentine ,

What do you mean by updating the Grasshopper app/component? Can you give more context? We’d like to make sure nothing crashes when you use Speckle + Rhino/GH.

yeah sure sorry. I go to speckle manager, I press update or Install speckle for grasshopper. Then I go to open Rhino. Rhino works fine, then I open grasshopper and the splash screen just hangs and grasshopper does not load.

Sorry, I’m probably using the wrong terminology and that’s what’s confusing you.

hi @gokermu
the Power BI Custom Visual will be installed automatically or you will provide a file to import the custom visual similar to the previous one powerbiSpeckleVisual.2.18.0.pbiviz.

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You still need to download :


I’ve tried installing the 2.19.0 version for Rhino under Mac OS but it failed with the message showing “Something went wrong - Connector for Rhino was not installed”. Hence, I guess Rhino 8.6 in Mac version is still not supported yet?

Hey @Kahtzun Rhino 8 is still not supported for Mac. It is still a work in progress. Once we have an update, we will make an announcement.