Cant find a Revit Yes/No project parameter in PowerBI, in the stream viewer I can

Here you can see all the project parameters. Then on the stream viewer I still can get those:

But then on PowerBi query using the speckle function on paramters, its not available that one “Dynamo ejectuado”:

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Hey @fernandovr,

PowerBI rarely loads the entire list of available properties, as this could be time consuming.

Note that it is warning you about this at the bottom of the pop-up. Just press “Cargar mas” and the list should fill up with more/all options.
Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 10.36.50

Thanks for the reply, but its still not seeing after clicking Load more option.

I’d suggest you filter the initial table by type so that you only keep the types you want data from (i.e beams/columns/floors…)

It seems you’re trying to expand different types of data with wildly different properties and PowerBI is reaching the 1000 hard limit for property expansion in their UI (it will not show more than that)

If you filter the objects you’re trying to extract data from, I’d expect PowerBI to be able to show you the full list (as long as you don’t have +1000 parameters in any given Revit element :slightly_smiling_face:)

Hi, i filter the elements, keeping just 615 rows. But still no way to look for “Dynamo ejecutado” Revit Yes/No Projecto Parameter:

:thinking: this is quite weird indeed…

Could you share the stream/commit with us so we can double check on our end what’s going on?

Feel free to do so privately via PM if need be.

Hey @fernandovr ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

I’ve received the Speckle Model URL you shared with @AlanRynne and I was able to see Dynamo ejecutado parameter value. Can you try adding a new column instead of using the UI components to extract what you are looking for? UI components can be limiting as it may not list all available fields.
