Can not login with Speckle Manager or Connector - auth/token Unauthorized


I created a docker with the given docker-compose.yaml and almost everything is running fine, but I can not login with the Speckle Manager or any connector.

The docke is running on a windows server with iis.

here is my web.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<clear />
		<!--speckle config!!!-->
		<rule name="ReverseProxyInboundRule" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="^/(.*)" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" />
		    <rule name="ReverseProxyInboundRule2" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="^(.*)" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" />
		  <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true">
			<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="524288000" /> <!--500MB-->

and here the Speckle Manager log

2023-10-11 15:06:48.366 +02:00 [DBG] Account add clicked
2023-10-11 15:06:53.804 +02:00 [DBG] Launching Account Flow
2023-10-11 15:06:53.804 +02:00 [DBG] Starting to add account for
2023-10-11 15:06:53.805 +02:00 [DBG] Starting auth process for
2023-10-11 15:06:53.823 +02:00 [DBG] Listening for auth redirects on http://localhost:29363/
2023-10-11 15:07:53.825 +02:00 [WRN] Local auth flow failed to complete within the timeout window. Access code is 
2023-10-11 15:07:53.825 +02:00 [FTL] Failed to add account: Local auth flow failed to complete within the timeout window
System.Exception: Local auth flow failed to complete within the timeout window
   at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager._getAccessCode(String server, String challenge, TimeSpan timeout)
   at Speckle.Core.Credentials.AccountManager.AddAccount(String server)

Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be here, thanks.

Hi @bruno - welcome to Speckle’s community. Thanks for trying out Speckle, and please do introduce yourself in our introductions thread: Introduce yourself 🙆 - we’d love to know more about what you are using, or hope to use, Speckle for.

Unfortunately we don’t currently test or support Speckle Server running on Windows Server, so you are in uncharted territory. There may be others in the community that have tried this and may be able to provide more detailed help.

However, it does appear that Speckle Manager has managed to connect to your server and a valid (if not desired) response was returned. Do you have the corresponding server logs? These might be able to help you pinpoint the issue.


I posted the wong log.

I updated it. Now you can see, I will not get an accesscode

Hey @bruno does Manager open a browser window for you to complete the auth flow after clicking on “go”?


Hi teocomi,
yes, the browser window opens and I can login successfully but I don’t get an accesscode

Did you add this to the docker-compose at the server section?

      EMAIL: true
      EMAIL_HOST: ""
      EMAIL_PORT: "587"
      EMAIL_FROM: ""

Hi Alex,

it’s not about the emails, it’s about the token I need to connect the speckle manager or any connector to the server.
It seems as if server does not send a access code back to the clent to authenticate, but I don’t no why.

When I run the same docker with the same yaml (except the urls) on my local mashine, everything works.
So I think it’s the iis or the web.config. But I’m not sure :slight_smile: